How to create Google Maps Platform account and enable Google Maps

  1. Visit
  2. If you’re not logged in your Google account click on SIGN IN on the top right and log in, please.
  3. After you’re logged in click GET STARTED button.
  4. It will ask you to select services that you want to use:

    Enable Google Maps Platform - MyCarTracks
    Please select 
    Maps. Routes and Places are optional and are needed only if you want to use Google for address searches (we recommend that) and route planning (not available yet). Click CONTINUE.
  5. Now click on Select or create project and click + Create a new project.

    Google Maps Platform project name - MyCarTracks
  6. Enter the project name, e.g. “MyCarTracks API” and click NEXT.

    Google Maps enter project name - MyCarTracks
  7. Now you will be asked to enable billing for your new project. Click CREATE BILLING ACCOUNT.

    Enable Billing for Google Maps project - MyCarTracks
  8. Accept the terms

    Google cloud platform - MyCarTracks
  9. Enter your Business details and enter a payment method.
  10. Now the setup will inform you about enabling API’s, press NEXT

    Enable Google Maps platform - MyCarTracks
  11. After the platform is enabled you will get your API KEY. Now click the link API Console
    Because we need to add restrictions. (If you clicked DONE you will see a warning on top that you should secure your API key, click on  SECURE CREDENTIALS).

    Google Maps API Key - MyCarTracks
  12. See picture below. Under Application restrictions select HTTP referrers (web sites) and enter https://* into the input and click Save.

    Enable HTTP Referrers Google Maps - MyCarTracks
  13. Now you will see your restricted API KEY under API keys. Click on the copy icon near the API Key or just select and copy it (Ctrl + C or CMD + C).

    Google Maps API Key - MyCarTracks
  14. Now log in to your account if you’re not already.
  15. Click on your name on the top right and select Settings.
  16. Use the tab Google Maps. Here enter the API KEY that you copied

    Enter Google Maps API Key - MyCarTracks
  17. Select the options where you want to use Google Maps and click Save.

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