Zapier is a platform where you can automate workflows with the use of world-known tools like Google Docs, Slack, Airtable, and more than 2000 other integrations.
In this example, we will create a workflow that will move all new tracks for the selected vehicle into Google Sheet. If you need to learn how to request certain data for a vehicle/driver see Zapier integration example – request selected tracks into Google Sheet.
Before you start click here and follow the steps to get Client ID and Secret that will be needed for connecting Zapier with MyCarTracks.
After you have your API credentials, follow these instructions to create an empty Google Sheet for later use:
- Go to Google Sheets and login if you’re not already.
- Create a new blank spreadsheet – for this purpose name it MCT mileages.
- You must add header – Enter column names in the first row, for this example we will add items as on the image below. To create header drag the horizontal line right above the “1” column and drag it under the “2”.
Now we are ready to create the Zap:
- Log into or create your Zapier account.
- Click on Make a Zap button.
- On top edit and name your zap.
- Into Choose App & Event search box enter MyCarTracks and select it.
- Click on the Tracks event and click CONTINUE.
- Click the Sign in to MyCarTracks button. A new window pops up where you need to enter Client ID and Client Secret that you should have when you followed the instructions mentioned above. Enter them here and connect. After a successful connection click the CONTINUE button.
- Now on the Customize Tracks, you can select or enter filtering details. You can select the Driver, Vehicle, and other filtering options. We recommend you set also Start time filter to get only the latest tracks. After you’re satisfied with the filter click the CONTINUE button.
- Now click the Test trigger button. Zapier will download and example of data based on the filter. Click CONTINUE.
- Now you’re going to set the second Do this … step. Into Choose App & Event search for Google Sheets and select it.
- Click on the Create Spreadsheet Row option and click CONTINUE.
- Now you need to sign in to Google Sheets with the Sign-in button – click it and follow the instructions.
- After you’re connected search the Spreadsheet (MCT mileages) that you created following the instructions above.
- Now you need to match the columns from the header with the data from MyCarTracks. Click on each entry and select the correct match as on this image:
- Click on the CONTINUE button.
- Now click on the TEST & CONTINUE button – you will see that a test entry was sent into the Google Sheet. You can remove this entry.
- Click on the TURN ON ZAP button. Now the zap is running and downloading data when a new track is available.
These instructions are just a simple solution on how to automatically get the latest data from MyCarTracks into other SaaS tools that you use.
What next?
- If you need to know How to add KML, CSV or GPX export from each track read here.