Create a fleet with the use of Account IDs

To create a fleet faster you can use our fleet setup tool that offers also the ability to import your drivers from a CSV file.

Hint: We have a new add vehicle form. See also this article about adding vehicles to decide which way best fits you.

Follow these steps to create a fleet:

  1. Log in to your web account and go into FLEET / Vehicles. Here click on the + button and select Add vehicle fleet
    Add fleet button
  2. Now select the Driver with account ID and press Next.
    Driver with Account ID image
  3. Click on the Add driver button.add new driver
  4. Enter the Driver name and optionally Driver email. You can see an automatically generated Account ID. If your drivers have Android phones you can check the “Device is Android” checkbox and enter the phone number – a Magic link will be sent to the driver.
    Press Save.add driver form
  5. If you want to add more drivers repeat step 4. otherwise press Next.
  6. Click on Add new vehicle button.
    add vehicle
  7. Enter vehicle name and details and in the Driver option select the driver to assign this vehicle to. Press Save.
    add vehicle form
  8. If you want to add more vehicles repeat step 7. otherwise, press Next.
  9. Now you will see an overview of the fleet you just created. If you added an email to your drivers they will be notified, but you can skip it with the checkbox under the table. Optionally you can also download the table in CSV to open in some spreadsheet app (e.g. Excell). fleet overview
  10. Hit Finish to create the fleet. Please note that you need to hit the Finish button, otherwise the fleet will not be created!
  11. If you skipped the email notifications you should now give the generated Account IDs to your drivers. They have to install the app and on the first run choose the “Continue with Account ID” option. Here enter provided Account ID and they are done.

What is an Account ID?

Account ID is a 10-character automatically generated ID for each driver. It’s really simple to create such a driver. You can then leave the system to send that ID to your driver’s email, or SMS or you just provide that ID to the driver. It can also be sent as a Magic link that makes the setup fast and one-click easy. The driver then installs the MyCarTracks app and on the first run, he chooses the option to enter Account ID, enters his ID and he is ready to drive.

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