Why do I have missing recordings in reports?

If you find out that you’re missing recorded tracks in your reports follow these instructions to check what’s wrong: Is recording turned on? You should see the info in the notification bar, also in the MyCarTracks app, there should be a message that recording is turned on and waiting or […]

Fix recording issues in Android 10

If the app is not tracking correctly make sure the Location Permission is not set to ‘Allow only while using the app’ and if so change it to ‘Allow all the time’. You can find these settings under Android Settings > Apps and notifications > MyCarTracks > Permissions > Location . […]

Safety Drive Score

Reduce accidents, lower the number of high-risk drivers, and improve overall driver safety with the MyCarTracks Drive score. Define your own settings Drive score calculations are by default not enabled, you need to enable them from Extensions. After you enable the drive score, it can take up to 4 hours […]

Daily synchronization

Daily synchronization is a feature that gives you the option to sync all recorded tracks at a certain time of a day. It comes handy in the following cases: Your mobile devices have internet connection issues or drivers are driving in areas without an internet connection Not all your tracks are being […]

Tasker and Locale integration

Tasker and Locale are great well known tools for total automation. If you don’t know them you can learn and also purchase them here: Tasker App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.dinglisch.android.taskerm You can get also a free trial of Tasker here: http://tasker.dinglisch.net/download.html Locale App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.twofortyfouram.locale To be able to use MyCarTracks with Tasker you can download our […]

How to fix recording issues on OnePlus devices

There’s an issue we’ve been investigating with OnePlus phones using the OxygenOS where our app is killed when it’s in the background for a while. The operating system has a daemon called ‘BgDetect’ that appears to kill background processes that it thinks are using ‘too much’ CPU. You could try […]

RuuviTag setup

RuuviTag is currently available only in the Android app. To set it up just follow these steps: First, make sure the Bluetooth is enabled on your device. Start the MyCarTracks app and go to Menu / BT Extensions. Here on the top select RuuviTag Beacon. Use the enable/disable switch to enable […]

Move recorded tracks from one device to another

In case you want to move data from an old phone to the new one follow these steps. On the old phone start the MyCarTracks app and go to Menu / Settings / Backup/Restore. Here tap Backup all data and wait until it’s saved. Then start any file browser on your phone and […]